In light of the UK’s recent pledge to achieve a ‘net zero’ emissions economy by 2050, Consortia have joined small businesses nationwide in the fight against climate change by backing the new ‘Business Climate Leader’ government campaign to help small businesses go green.
Why do we need to reach ‘net zero’?
Climate change is a pressing global issue that could lead to irreversible damage if we do not act now. Since the UNFCCC secretariat (UN Climate Change) was tasked with finding solutions to the climate crisis, intergovernmental negotiations leading to the 2015 Paris Agreement have set a clear goal: to keep the global average temperature rise in carbon emissions this century below 1.5°C.
Almost all countries have committed to achieving ‘net zero’ and have proposed plans of action that set timescales scheduling when they will be able to fulfil this commitment. The UK proposed to move to a net zero emissions economy by 2050, yet in order for this to be achievable we must all make a commitment.
Here at Consortia, we understand the power small differences can make. By joining the ‘Together for our Planet Business Climate Leaders’ government campaign, we hope to take the first steps of our journey towards becoming ‘net zero’, and to raise awareness in the process. The more small businesses who get involved in this campaign, the closer we will be to reaching our target and making a difference.
We are always striving to find more sustainable solutions, and are ready to face the challenges that becoming a sustainable business may present.